Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Watha T. Daniel Library?

Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Library
The pre-fabricated library building for the Shaw community has been constructed and the vendor is awaiting authorization by the DCPL to transport the units to DC. DCPL believes the final permits will soon be issued. Once this happens, the modular building will be delivered to its site at 925 Rhode Island Avenue, NW.
According to DC.GOV the interim library is expected to open mid-June 2007.

Plans to Build Permanent Libraries
A schedule for building a new Watha T. Daniel/Shaw neighborhood library has been finalized. The evaluation process is underway for the selection of the architectural/engineering firm(s) that will provide design development services. A series of community meetings will be scheduled soon.

DCPL's X-treme Mobile Library
DCPL introduced a new X-treme Mobile Library providing DC neighborhoods with bookmobile service, computers and Internet access. In the Shaw community, the X-treme Mobile operates on Thursdays from 12:30-4:30 pm at the Gage-Eckington Elementary School and at Lincoln Westmoreland apartments.

Friday, April 20, 2007

My solution to ABRA and Mary Sutherland

Mary Sutherland strikes again! She protested Queen of Sheeba’s a liquor license at Thursday’s ABRA meeting. When the hearing officer asked how many people she had with her to oppose she responded "two" (you need 5 people!!!). The Hearing Officer asked the two other people with Ms. Sutherland what their addresses were...they responded "we don't have it with us. With that, the Hearing Officer decided Ms. Sutherland “has cause” and granted her more time to find five people that oppose the license.

I suggest we stage a “park in.” A park in works just like a sit in, only with cars. We recruit as many friends with cars as possible and early Sunday mornings take up every available parking space in the area of Shiloh Baptist church. We do this every Sunday until it becomes clear to Ms. Sutherland and friends there will be a price attached to every harmful action they take against hard working Shaw business owners. Hopefully that price will be an empty church on Sunday.

A well-planed park in will make it very difficult for them to hold Sunday service and may convince their 703/301 parishioners to attend church in VA & MD.

PS: The above photo is the interior of Shiloh Baptist church.